Pocket Doctors

Access to Quality Care when you need it.

Pocket Doctors delivers exceptional telehealth services to you when you cant get into your regular GP.

Why Choose Pocket Doctors?

Discreet Care

Discreet Care at your fingertips. Keeping you away from crowded waiting rooms.

Trusted Advice

Gain peace of mind through reliable advice from AHPRA registered Practitioners.

Accessible Healthcare

We have Phone or Video Appointments at a time that is convenient to you.

Continuity Of Care

Provide consent to update your regular GP of the care you receive from us.

Welcome to the future of healthcare with Pocket Doctors. We’re transforming your medical experience by providing convenient, flexible, and exceptional care, setting a new benchmark for online consultations.

Simple as 1,2,3

Book Your Appointment

Book your telehealth appointment instantly or choose a convenient time.

Complete Registration Form

Verify your personal details to through our easy to use form.

Finalise Your Appointment

Confirm your booking time and make your secure online payment.

Chat with Your Doctor

Connect with your doctor via phone or video to discuss your  concerns.

Convenient Access

All prescriptions and referrals sent directly to you.

Convenient. Discreet Healthcare Starts Here

Convenient and Discreet care provided by AHPRA registered health practitioners at your finger tips.